A couple of weeks ago, many Nova Scotians received notice via text message of the COVID Alert app. The COVID Alert app helps break the cycle of infection. It can let people know of possible exposures before any symptoms appear. 

The app works best with more people engaged and using it, and as we enter into what seems to be a second wave of this pandemic, VMG strongly encourages everyone download this app on their smart phone.

Security is always a concern in the technology sector but we can help to allay any concerns surrounding privacy and security around the COVID Alert app. 

The app does not collect information on your location, your name, your address, your phone contacts, or any health information at all. 

The Covid Alert app uses your phone’s Bluetooth to passively exchange random codes with nearby phones. It checks this list of random codes daily to see if any of the people have told the app they tested positive. If you were near one of those codes in the past 14 days, the app will notify you. 

They also address the issue of false reporting or abuse of the system by requiring a special code be entered if a user reports via the app that they have tested positive. That code is only provided by public health upon the receipt of a positive test result. 

VMG strongly encourages everyone to install and participate in the COVID Alert app process. We are also happy to address any specific concerns that our clients may have surrounding the app. 

For more information on the app, click here. 

The app may be downloaded via the App Store on iPhone or via Google Play on Android devices. 

Thank you, 

-VMG Team